2025 Fun & Educational Summer Camp Summer Camp Enroll now July 7 to August 15, 2025 For 1st Grade through 6th Grade 600 South Livingston Ave, Ste 105, Livingston, NJ 07039 Make the Most Out of Summer! At VSA Summer Camp, students master ELA and Public Speaking skills so they can start the new school year with success. Mondays–Fridays, 8:15am–12pmSign up for afternoon camps with one of VSA’s Camp Partners, Créatif and Livingston Gym, and save $10/week at each camp (total $20/week). Our 2025 Fun & Educational Summer Camp offers our best-loved academic programs, with everything from Reading Comprehension, Public Speaking, and Vocabulary to Mad Science, Math Mysteries, Arts and Crafts, and so much more. Enroll now Register now and save 32% off tuition!$548 $373 per week Promo ends on March 31, 2025 00Days 00Hours 00Minutes 00Seconds Enroll now Get Ready for Summer! Make the most out of your summer with our in-person Educational Summer Camp’s unique blend of academics and creative activities. On Monday through Thursday, campers study the ins and outs of language arts with vocabulary lessons and reading comprehension practice. Campers speak boldly and bravely in Public Speaking, and they become deft thinkers through daily ELA classes.On Fridays, campers explore the mysteries of the world in Mad Science, broaden their horizons through themed camp weeks, and get creative and experimental with a different guided activity each week. Our creative projects and science experiments complement what students learn in class and foster strong teamwork skills.Each camp week features a self-contained, independent curriculum. Students can sign up for any combination of weeks to get the most out of our summer school courses in Livingston, NJ. VSA Announces Camp Partners: Créatif and Livingston Gym Pair mornings of VSA academics with afternoons at a VSA Camp Partner! (Note: Afternoon camps is optional.With Créatif, take a deep dive in the arts with their art camp curriculum. With Livingston Gym, build strength and agility with their afternoon summer camp. For campers taking both VSA Summer Camp and a Camp Partner afternoon program, VSA Future offers daily camp lunch and a staffed escort from VSA Future to Créatif and to Livingston Gym. Sign up for 2+ weeks of both VSA Camp and a Camp Partner and receive $10/week off each camp (total $20/week). Camp Location: 600 South Livingston Ave, Ste 105, Livingston, NJ 07039 Our Happy Summer Campers As a parent, I appreciate that VSA Future encourages its students to speak their own thoughts, without judging or criticizing, but with guidance. I feel lucky that the Director of the VSA Future has the vision for the center to support and help the kids to be successful in their life, not only academically, but on every aspect as a person. Parent 7th Grader and 9th Grader My 6-year-old daughter and I both like VSA Future so much because of the excellent teaching quality, wonderful interactive communication, solid foundation the teachers build, as well as their great efficiency and effectiveness. She feels the classes are so much fun and attract her to learn. I am so happy that she started to love English and math because of these amazing classes! In the past 11 months, she has made incredible progress that is much beyond what I expected her to make. Her phonics, reading, writing and math problems solving all made big progress. Parent 1st Grader About VSA Future Founded in 2015, VSA Future Learning Center has built new active learning models in both online and in-person classrooms, where students have the chance to engage with new concepts, participate in meaningful group discussions, and build confidence in small-group settings. With more than seven years of teaching experience, VSA has experimented with and refined our classes to create a model that works best for students and teachers alike.Instead of engaging in traditional lectures and rote memorization, VSA students learn to switch gears, cycling through activities and exercises to stay engaged and nimble. VSA teaches students by level, not school grade, to ensure maximum growth and learning. With 8–20 years of classroom experience each, VSA’s dedicated, diligent teachers offer one-on-one attention through in-class feedback and student conferences, giving every student tailored learning goals and support. VSA Students Win Top Awards in National Essay Contest VSA Future is delighted to announce that our talented writing students took home sixty accolades in the 2025 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, the prestigious national competition that recognizes and supports the creative endeavors of teens across the United States. Among our winners are 13 Gold Keys, 22 Silver Keys, and 25 Honorable Mentions. The awards were issued in a wide range of genres, ranging from Personal Essay & Memoir and Critical Essay to Flash Fiction, Poetry, and Short Story. We welcome the 2025 winners into the VSA fold, bringing them into an amazing group of 116 winners. Get ahead for the Fall with Math, Reading, Writing, and Public Speaking! On Monday to Thursday, the camp day begins with in-person academic summer classes in Livingston, NJ, where campers become stronger speakers and writers. Reading ComprehensionStudents become close readers as they build deductive and analytical skills in unpacking author intent, story themes, and understanding vocabulary in context.With daily practice of texts from a wide range of genres, students become adept at deducing the nuances of each type of genre.Students build their vocabulary and love for reading with our curated selection of texts.Students become deft thinkers with on-the-ground, immediate analytical skills and the ability to do long-term, in-depth literary criticism in writing. VocabularyA rich vocabulary can enliven a student’s writing, improve their communication skills,and enable them to articulate their ideas clearly and effectively.Our students learn to integrate new words into their everyday lives through engaging methods of learning root words — including guided group activities and creative writing practice sessions — instead of rote memorization.VSA’s Vocabulary course challenges students to become sophisticated writers who can draw upon a deep bank of words to articulate nuance and precision in their arguments. Grades 3–8 MathIn Math, students gain a preview of the upcoming grade’s math concepts, helping them leap ahead of their school peers in the fall. Campers work to integrate mathematical thinking, data analysis, and a rigorous foundation in math principles, as well as problem-solving skills and creativity.With daily lessons and ample practice, students develop their mental math skills, strengthen their problem-solving skills and intuition, and master the Common Core concepts for their level. Through challenging Singapore Math word problems, campers become adept at applying multiple math concepts to find the solution. Public SpeakingIn our innovative Public Speaking course, students project their voices and make their presence known. Public Speaking builds a student’s ability to effectively argue an opinion, be persuasive, and hold an audience’s interest in a topic. Using original speeches, campers practice their fluency, articulation, and stage presence and receive instructor and peer feedback on how to improve.Each week, students focus on a particular public speaking skill and polish their presentation abilities with daily speech rehearsals. The camp week culminates with a Public Speaking presentation on Thursdays. Register now and save 32% off tuition!$548 $373 per week 00Days 00Hours 00Minutes 00Seconds Promo ends on March 31, 2025 Enroll now Jump into Fun with Camp Activities! Each day of our Educational Summer Camp is jam-packed with a range of creative and engaging in-person activities. Arts and Crafts Campers turn a creative eye to the world around them. Our art teacher guides students in art making, drawing lessons, and other creative activities that turn the everyday into the extraordinary. Everyone’s an artist, and everything, a potential artwork. Imagine and draw a universe of your own, complete with countries, maps, never-before-seen landscapes and animals. We also promote hands-on, in-person “Messy Art Education” in our outdoor play space that stimulates creativity and promotes the use of sensory and gross motor skills. Science Squad Discovering how the world works transports us, taking us into ocean depths or the peaks of the highest mountains. Science is an exploration of the wondrous and the weird, as students encounter the logic that underpins the mysteries of the universe. Things go BOOM and POP in Science Squad, where campers apply newly learned science to surprising ingredients. Study engineering with toothpick building contests and chemistry by making crazy goo. Egg drops make for the perfect physics lessons, while the unique qualities of different states of matter are discovered in a range of experiments. Math Mysteries Math is way more than numbers and operations—it’s the key to a whole new world. In Math Mysteries, campers learn how the Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Sequence, and much more are the secret to creating incredible art and designing effective experiments. Students learn to see the world around them in new and exciting ways with a new Math Mystery to solve each week. More Happy Academic Summer Campers As a parent, I appreciate that VSA Future encourages its students to speak their own thoughts, without judging or criticizing, but with guidance. I feel lucky that the Director of the VSA Future has the vision for the center to support and help the kids to be successful in their life, not only academically, but on every aspect as a person. Parent 7th Grader and 9th Grader My 6-year-old daughter and I both like VSA Future so much because of the excellent teaching quality, wonderful interactive communication, solid foundation the teachers build, as well as their great efficiency and effectiveness. She feels the classes are so much fun and attract her to learn. I am so happy that she started to love English and math because of these amazing classes! In the past 11 months, she has made incredible progress that is much beyond what I expected her to make. Her phonics, reading, writing and math problems solving all made big progress. Parent 1st Grader Registration FAQ What ages does the camp serve? Camp is for students entering Grades 1–6 in the Fall of 2025. What is the camp daily schedule? Camp Drop-Off begins at 8:15am, and all campers should arrive by 8:40am. The first camp class begins at 8:45am.Parents can begin picking up children at 11:45am. For campers who sign up for a VSA Camp Partner, VSA offers daily lunch and escort to our Camp Partner programs at 12:25pm. What are the 6 camp weeks like? Campers take three 45-minute academic classes and various creative activities on Mondays to Thursdays. On Fridays, campers enjoy a morning of interactive, fun activities. How do I register for camp? Camp enrollment is offered on a weekly basis from July 7 through August 15, 2025. Each camp week features an independent curriculum. Students can enroll for consecutive or non-consecutive weeks. We recommend that students take consecutive weeks when possible to ensure the fullest continuity in learning.Register online here. When you sign up, you’ll choose the number of weeks and which weeks. Note: Parents can change which camp weeks their child takes before April 30, 2025 by emailing admin@vsafuture.com.At registration, there is a nonrefundable prepayment of $100/week that is credited toward your full camp tuition. The balance is due 5 days after parents receive the camp invoice. There is a $75 registration fee for new students.After registration, you will receive an email with your camp invoice and payment instructions. The discount rate is based on the registration date. If the full payment is not received by the due date (five days after invoice is sent), the discount rate will be based on the rate at that time.Your camp spot is guaranteed after full payment is received.Tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable to other VSA programs.If you decide to add additional weeks after your initial registration, the additional tuition will be calculated at the tuition rate of the date of your notification email. Payment is due within five days after the invoice is sent. Is there a minimum number of weeks? There is no minimum; however, all camp discounts begin at 2+ weeks of camp. What are the qualifications of VSA teachers? Do they go through a rigorous selection process? At VSA Future, we use a rigorous selection process to ensure that our teachers can provide your child with the care and education they need.Our extensively trained educators have each spent 8–20 years in the classroom. We have received excellent feedback from students and parents regarding our teachers. Is there a sibling discount? Yes. After the first child, the second child receives a 5% discount. The third child (and subsequent siblings) receives a 10% discount. Is there a referral bonus? Yes, if you refer a friend who signs up for 3+ weeks of camp, both you and your friend will receive a $35 referral bonus. Curriculum FAQ What is the ratio of teachers to students? VSA class size ranges from 4–12 students, with one teacher and a teacher assistant. How are students placed into classes? What is the curriculum level? Camp students are placed in classes according to their math and writing levels. Diagnostic tests will be administered in June 2025 to place students into their camp classes. Is there homework during camp? Campers in 3rd grade and up have one writing homework assignment per week (during Writing weeks), which is completed on an online platform. We encourage students to practice their Public Speaking speeches at home. There is no math homework. What are the qualifications of the camp teachers? Our camp teachers consist of VSA Future’s senior teachers in English, math, and writing who have taught our school-year classes. Each teacher underwent a rigorous selection process, and all of our teachers feel a deep sense of responsibility and care for their students. We have received excellent feedback from students and parents regarding our teachers.Our camp counselors are schoolteachers and trained students. Camp Logistics FAQ How does the camp handle food allergies? Parents will complete medical questionnaires for each camper, including medications, allergies, and emergency contact information, which will be kept on file for all camp staff. All camp snacks and hot lunches will be nut-free. How does the camp handle illness? If a child is not feeling well (including fever, sore throat, etc.), we will contact parents and the emergency contact(s) immediately and arrange for the child to rest in a separate room. Students can return to camp after 24 hours of being fever-free. For severe illness, a doctor’s release form will be required for return. What are the cleaning procedures? The entire center is sanitized and cleaned every day. Do campers need to wear masks? Mask requirements will depend on the status of COVID-19 at that time. We currently will not require masks, but we will update our requirements as needed. Is there a camp t-shirt? Campers are required to wear the camp shirt on Fridays. Campers receive one free t-shirt at registration. Each student will also receive a free tote bag for daily use. Save 32% off tuition! $584 $373 per week 00Days 00Hours 00Minutes 00Seconds Promo ends on March 31, 2025 Enroll Now