Public Speaking: KEY to success SPEAKING UP FOR YOURSELF, YOUR PEERS, AND YOUR IDEAS We all know how business has changed in the last two years as adults. We use Zoom or other video conferencing applications for the vast majority of our meetings with colleagues and clients. This is the way things will be in the future.Children’s ability to communicate over the computer will be critical to their academic and life success. Children learn how to hold their audience’s attention and express themselves openly, confidently, and boldly in public speaking classes. VSA CAMP PUBLIC SPEAKING PROGRAM The public school system does not teach children to speak up and be heard, a critical life skill. VSA Future’s Public Speaking classes teach kids to speak boldly and clearly in person, online, and in meetings.Our innovative Public Speaking course teaches students to project their voices and make their presence known even when connecting via computer screen. Campers practice fluency, articulation, and stage presence using famous and original speeches, with instructor and peer feedback. SPEECHWRITING Students learn to dig deep into topics in speechwriting lessons, gathering sources of information to support their claims and organizing them into clear and effective speeches. Students hone their ear for compelling opening lines, memorable quotes, and dramatic pauses, which distinguishes speechwriting from essay and fiction writing. VSA Public Speaking classes help students develop their ability to effectively argue a point of view, persuade others, and keep an audience engaged in a topic.Public speaking is a skill that should not be underestimated. It serves as the foundation for all future success! Visit our website for more information.