Technology Limits Technology Limits By Michael, Grade 5July 2022 Dear Sirs, I have limits set on my devices, and many children like me have time limits set on their devices, and some have them for a very short time, just like me. I think we should not have these limits because of a multitude of reasons. Here’s why: I think we should not have time limits because every time your limit is up, you just get mad, and that just affects your emotions. It also makes the matter worse, because you just want to get around the limit and you just want to play your devices even more. This also leaves children with whether to take responsibility for themselves and the health of their eyes. Also, you could encourage us children to play mind-building games instead of having a limit. But sometimes the device might come in handy when you are in trouble and you need to make a call or text other people, but if your limit is up, you can’t use it in emergencies. This is also important during school, when you need to test your friends because they are late for class. You can remind them or tell them what you did when they were not here. Their point of view: Some might say that yes, this is all very important, but what about their eyes? They might get addicted and simply not listen to you or anybody that tells them to stop. They learn they cannot get past the limit, so they learn to obey the limit and follow the rules, meaning that they will have better eyesight and can interact with other friends and go outside to play and actually get sunlight and vitamin D. My rebuttal: According to scientists, (You can look this up) our eyes do not just turn blind, it is just because we have little sunlight, so if we just bring our device out to our garden or just sit at a balcony or window, it does not really affect our eyes. Also, our blindness is actually from our ancestors or parents. This also solves the problem of vitamin D, since if we are sitting at a place near the Sun, we have sunlight. To solve the problem of addiction, you can interest them in other things they like, for example, swimming and other activities. They can also hangout with their friends online, since we are in the modern age, so we should have fun online, too. Finally we should not have technology limits on any device, because it helps us learn, grow, and use it in a helpful way. It can also save us in an emergency or when you need help. Limits are controlling a kids’ freedom, and its’ right to take responsibility for themselves. Sincerely,Michael